How to Move a Whole Kitchen to Another House

Moving is always a hassle, but moving a kitchen full of dishes, appliances, and other household items is especially difficult. So, if you’re wondering how to move a kitchen without breaking any plates or damaging the oven, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! This blog post will provide tips for packing and moving dishes, appliances, and everything else safely and efficiently. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to move a whole kitchen to another house in no time!

Packing Kitchen Items For Moving

Dishes, Glasses, and Appliances

Every kitchen is full of fragile items. Dishes like mugs, ceramics plates, and pottery require the utmost care when packing. So, you should try your best and protect them from damage. Of course, knowing how to pack fragile items for moving is mandatory. Pack your dishes and glasses in sturdy reusable bins and moving boxes with plenty of packing peanuts or bubble wrap. Label the boxes clearly with “fragile” and the contents.

If you wonder which are the most expensive items to move, you should know that big kitchen appliances are among them. So, you want to do this properly. Pack your appliances in their original boxes if possible or wrap them in blankets and secure them with packing tape. Finally, unplug and defrost your fridge at least 24 hours before the move. Moving a kitchen is a big job but following these tips will help make it a little easier. Wrap your appliances in blankets or towels to protect them from scratches and bumps. You can also use bubble wrap to protect your appliances further. Dishes should be packed in boxes with dividers to keep them from breaking.

When you need to pack and move a whole kitchen, you must pack the items you will need first at the top of the box so you can easily find them when you arrive at your new home. These items might include a coffee maker, paper towels, dishes, and silverware. Be sure to label all the boxes, so you know which room they go in. A good tip is to label each box with its contents and the room it goes in. For example: “Dishes – Kitchen.”

Use a dolly or hand truck to avoid straining your back when moving these items. And when lifting heavy appliances or boxes, be sure to lift with your legs and not your back.

Packing A Kitchen For Moving

Furniture and Cabinets

Take out all the screws on your cabinets and drawer fronts to move them more easily. Keep the screws in a plastic bag, so you don’t lose them. You’ll also need to completely empty your cabinets and drawers, so pack everything into boxes labeled with the contents and the room in which it goes. For example: “Pots and pans – Kitchen.”

Moving furniture is always tricky, but you can do a few things to make it easier. First, disassemble any furniture that can be taken apart (such as tables and chairs). This will make the furniture much lighter and easier to move. Second, use furniture sliders or moving blankets to slide heavy pieces across the floor. This will prevent damage to your floors and make moving much easier on your back.

Large Appliances

For larger appliances like stoves and refrigerators, it’s best to hire professional movers NYC Brooklyn. They’ll have the experience and equipment to move these heavy items safely. If you’re hiring professional movers, give them a copy of your packing list, so they know what goes where.

How to unpack?

When it’s time to unpack, start with the essentials box first. You’ll be glad you have it when trying to find a coffee mug amidst all the boxes! Unpacking can be just as overwhelming as packing but taking it one step at a time will make it much more manageable. If you did everything right, there shouldn’t be any trouble unpacking efficiently after the movinig is over.

Tips for packing other kitchen items

Pots and pans can be tricky to pack. Knowing how to pack oddly-shaped items for moving is crucial here. Be sure to use plenty of packing paper or bubble wrap to protect them from breaking. Small appliances can be packed in boxes with other kitchen items, or you can use their original packaging if it’s still available.

Packing Fragile Kitchen Items

A checklist of things to do

Here’s a checklist of things to do to move a whole kitchen to another house smoothly:

  • First, empty all your cabinets and drawers. Next, pack dishes, glasses, silverware, and other items you will take with you. Label each box clearly, so you know what goes where when you unpack at your new place.
  • Next, disconnect and unplug all your appliances. Defrost your fridge and freezer 24 hours before the move, so they have time to thaw completely. Pack up small appliances like toasters and coffee makers; larger ones like stoves and dishwashers will need to be loaded onto the moving truck separately.
  • Finally, measure all your furniture to ensure it will fit through doorways and down staircases at your new home. If you’re hiring an experienced moving Brooklyn NY service, they’ll be able to help you with this step.


Once you have everything packed up and ready to go, it’s time to start loading everything onto the moving truck. Ensure appliances and heavy furniture are loaded first, so they don’t crush lighter boxes beneath them. Pack any remaining items into your car to have them on moving day.

Double-check that everything is packed and ready to go on the day of the move. Then, start loading the moving truck. Be sure to tie down furniture and appliances, so they don’t shift during transport.

Once everything is loaded, it’s time to hit the road! Drive carefully to your new home and be prepared to unload everything when you arrive.

Professional Kitchen Relocation

What to do when you get to your new home

Now that you’ve made it to your new home, it’s time to start unpacking and setting up your kitchen. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Start unpacking the essentials, such as dishes, silverware, and pots and pans. This will give you a basic set of items to work with while unpacking the rest of your kitchen.
  • If possible, try to set up your appliances in their new location before you start using them. This will make unpacking the rest of your kitchen around them more manageable.
  • Be sure to measure your new cabinets and countertops before buying any new furniture or appliances. This will ensure that everything fits in its new home.
  • Finally, take some time to personalize your new kitchen. Add a few family photos or fun artwork to make it feel your own.

With these tips, you’ll be able to move your kitchen into its new home quickly and easily.


If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to move your kitchen quickly – and maybe even have a little fun in the process! Just remember to take breaks, stay organized and ask for help when needed. Soon enough, you’ll be settled into your new home with a fully functioning kitchen.

We hope this article about how to move a whole kitchen was helpful. Moving is never fun, but hopefully, these tips will make your kitchen move a little easier. Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below. I would love to hear from you.

Are you looking for more moving tips? Check out our post on how to move without breaking the bank. Thanks for reading!